Wilson's School

Activities Week 2024

Although memories may now be fading of those summers of lost opportunity in 2020 and 2021, they are recent enough that we relish the massive range of activities available again to pupils in the festival months at Wilson's and take nothing for granted.


The culmination is, of course, Activities Week. This traditionally encompasses Year 9 trips to France and Germany, the Year 10 Battlefields trip, and a series of day trips for pupils in Years 7 and 8 - as well as for some Year 12 students as part of their University Preparation Programmes; this year, prospective medical students visited the Hunterian Museum and embarked on a walking tour of London, covering 300 years of medical history.

 Wilson's at Thiepval Memorial  

Just six weeks on from their week in Brecon, Year 7 pupils enjoyed two big days out: first to Rochester and later in the week to Kew Gardens. In between, activities included juggling, creative writing and learning the rules of some popular card games. Year 8 pupils went to RHS Wisley, enjoyed a guided walk along the Wandle, and took part in design and sports activities.


These images depict just a few of the trips and visits during Activities Week!