Wilson's School


There are many opportunities for pupils beyond the classroom. Leaders have provided pupils with a wide range of extra-curricular activities. These range from the Combined Cadet Force and sports to chess and drama productions. Participations rates are very high.

Wilson's is able to offer a broad range of diverse co-curricular activities. As well as encouraging pupils to develop academically, the school feels it is important for them to participate in a range of extra-curricular activities in order to nurture skills and develop the fully-rounded personality that is the hallmark of the Wilsonian.

We currently have a plethora of thriving sports teams from football and cricket through to badminton and table tennis. Whilst Wilson’s has a very strong (and deserved) reputation for excellence in football, many of our other teams are very strong. Rugby is becoming increasingly popular.

A thriving Music Department runs a whole host of ensembles, including a chamber string orchestra, junior and senior wind number of various bands, and a newly formed guitar ensemble. Wilson’s has a strong choral tradition and singing opportunities are plentiful. ranging from a string orchestra to a Latin band. The school choir also sings at a number of high profile school events over the course of the year, and continues to build its reputation as one of the finest school choirs in the region.

Our Drama Department also puts on a school play each year and cooperates with the Music Department to mount an annual Junior Production involving students from Years 7 and 8.

There are successful Chess and Debating teams as well as any number of groups and societies meeting during the school week, and which vary in size according to their interest and following. Sporting and educational trips also take place during the holidays.

As is only to be expected in a highly academic school, co-curricular activities extend to more scholarly pursuits such as debating and writing. The boys themselves have provided the initiative for the creation of several journalistic titles over the last few years such as WilsonomicsThe Politeia, and The Wilson’s Intrigue. Current issues can be found on our Publications page.

Chess ⟶
Combined Cadet Force (CCF) ⟶
Drama & Dance ⟶
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award ⟶
Music ⟶
School Visits ⟶