Music is a vitally important part of life at Wilson’s School. During a normal school year, we host well over thirty-five concerts, recitals, productions and other musical events. Music plays a prominent role in whole-school celebrations like Founder's Day and the Carol Service.
There is an annual Junior Production involving students from Years 7 and 8, and a Senior Production in February for older performers. Many of our students go on to study Music at the country’s leading conservatoires and universities (recent destinations include Oxford, Cambridge, and the RCM).
Several years ago, the department began to offer free specialist tuition in voice or a musical instrument to every student in Year 7. Instruments and equipment are provided free of charge to students. We believe it is one of the first programmes of its kind in the UK. The programme has proved a tremendous success and it has become a permanent feature of musical life at Wilson’s. Many students continue to play their instruments beyond Year 7 and they prove to be enthusiastic and accomplished members of our various ensembles.
Every year, concerts are staged in which all Year 7 boys showcase their playing or singing to demonstrate the progress they have made.
For further information, please see the departmental page. We also encourage you to visit the Music department’s own micro site where you will find full details of the school’s music programme and our Year 7 instrumental scheme.