Wilson's School


In this department we want to give the students a broad and useful education in the world of technology, so that they have the opportunity to become confident independent learners. They will be given the chance to explore a variety of aspects of Computer Science.

Our Staff

Mr Jackson (Head of Computing)
Dr Hemp (Teacher of Computer Science)

Key Stage 3

Students in Year 7 and 8 are taught a two year course in Computer Science with the following structure.

Year 7

Autumn Term
Half Term 1
Impact of technology – collaborating online respectfully and staying safe online (e-safety).
Half Term 2
Representations – from clay to silicon.

Spring Term
Half Term 1
Introduction to Python programming.
Half Term 2
Networks: from semaphores to the internet.

Summer Term
Half Term 1
Modelling data – Spreadsheets
Half Term 2
Review of all Year 7 material and end of year review task

Year 8

Autumn Term
Half Term 1
Computing systems.
Half Term 2
Python programming with sequences of data – I.

Spring Term
Half Term 1
Python programming with sequences of data – II.
Half Term 2
Representations – going audiovisual.

Summer Term
Half Term 1
Review of all KS3 material and Y8 exam.
Half Term 2
Developing for the web.

KS3 Core Concepts

1 Theory of computing

EXCEEDING: Has an excellent understanding of all aspects of the theory of computing covered at Key Stage 3 and is moving beyond this to study material covered at GCSE and/or A Level.

SECURE: Has a good understanding of the hardware and software components that make up computer systems and how they communicate with one another and other systems. Understands how instructions are stored and executed within a computer system and how data of various types (including text, sounds and pictures) can be represented and manipulated digitally. Understands simple Boolean logic and some of its uses in circuits and programming. Also understands how numbers can be represented in binary and can carry out some simple arithmetic operations on binary numbers.

DEVELOPING: Has a good understanding of some aspects of the theory of computing but this is partial or incomplete. Further work is needed to become secure in some of the main topics covered.

2 Algorithms and Programming

EXCEEDING: Has an excellent understanding of all aspects of algorithms and programming studied at Key Stage 3 and very strong programming skills. Is able to tackle GCSE and/or A level programming problems and may be developing an understanding of programming languages not taught on the Key Stage 3 curriculum.

SECURE: Is able to design, use and evaluate computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of real-world problems and physical systems. Understands several key algorithms that reflect computational thinking, can use logical reasoning to compare the utility of alternative algorithms for the same problem and can use two or more programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems. Is able to make appropriate use of data structures and design and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions.

DEVELOPING: Has a good understanding of some aspects of algorithms and programming but this is partial or incomplete. Further work is needed to become secure in some of the main topics or skills covered.

3 Creating digital artefacts and using software tools

EXCEEDING: Highly skilled in the creation of digital artefacts, use of software and the completion of projects using digital technology. Is able to go significantly beyond expectations at Key Stage 3 in this area and may be able to tackle projects and problems at GCSE and/or A level.

SECURE: Can create, reuse, revise and repurpose digital artefacts for a given audience with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability. Can undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users.

DEVELOPING: Has good skills in some of the areas described above but needs to develop these further.

4 Understanding the impact of technology

EXCEEDING: Has an excellent understanding of how to use technology safely and responsibly, and an excellent grasp of the issues raised by digital technology in modern society.

SECURE: Understands a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting online identity and privacy; recognising inappropriate content, contact and conduct, and knowing how to report concerns. Also understands how individuals, systems and society as a whole interact with computer systems and can explain a range of ethical, cultural, environmental and legal issues raised by the use of digital technology in modern society.

DEVELOPING: Has a good understanding of some aspects of the impact of technology but this is partial or incomplete. Further work is needed to become secure in some of the main topics covered.

Key Stage 4

Students follow the OCR J277 GCSE course, details of which are here [https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse/computer-science-j277-from-2020/.] The course has two equally weighted components, each of which is assessed in a final exam.

Component 01 Computer systems
Introduces students to the central processing unit (CPU); computer memory and storage; data representation; wired and wireless networks; network topologies; system security and system software. It also looks at ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns associated with computer science.

Component 02 Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming
Students apply knowledge and understanding gained in component 01. They develop skills and understanding in computational thinking: algorithms, programming techniques, producing robust programs, computational logic and translators.

As a part of this course, students work towards a practical programming endorsement by completing programming tasks which require them to design, write, test and refine programs using a high-level programming language. Students are assessed on these skills during the written examinations, in particular component 02 (section B).

Key Stage 5

For more details of course content see: AS/A Level GCE - Computer Science - H046, H446 (from 2015) - OCR

Year 12

AS Level Computer Science Qualification 
Overview of AS level in Computer Science (H046)
Learners must take both components (01 and 02)

Content Overview

  • The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
  • Software and software development
  • Programming
  • Exchanging data
  • Data types, data structures and algorithms
  • Legal, moral, ethical and cultural issues
  • Elements of computational thinking
  • Problem solving and programming
  • Algorithms

Assessment Overview

  • Computing principles (01) — 70 marks — 1 hour 15 minutes — written paper — 50% of total AS level
  • Algorithms and problem solving (02: synoptic assessment) — 70 marks — 1 hour 15 minutes — 50% of total AS level

Year 13

A Level Computer Science ( 2 year course)
Overview of A Level in Computer Science (H446)
Learners must take three components (01, 02 and 03 or 01, 02 and 04)

Content Overview

  • The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
  • Software and software development
  • Exchanging data
  • Data types, data structures and algorithms
  • Legal, moral, ethical and cultural issues
  • Elements of computational thinking
  • Problem solving and programming
  • Algorithms to solve problems and standard algorithms

The learner will choose a computing problem to work through according to the guidance in the specification.

  • Analysis of the problem
  • Design of the solution
  • Developing the solution
  • Evaluation

Assessment Overview

  • Computer Systems (01) — 140 marks — 2 hours 30 minutes — written paper — 40% of total A level
  • Algorithms and programming (02: synoptic assessment) — 140 marks — 2 hours 30 minutes  — written paper — 40% of total A level
  • Programming project (03 or 04: synoptic assessment) — 70 marks — non-exam assessment — 20% of total A level


  • Computer Society is run each Monday lunchtime where students present and discuss areas of interest/developments in the world of computing. This is open to all students from Y9 upwards.
  • Coding Club is run each Tuesday lunchtime on an alternating Y7/Y8 rotation.
  • The BEBRAS competition is run for all KS3, and for KS4/5 students taking Computer Science.
  • Students that qualify through BEBRAS (top 10% nationally) compete in the Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC).
  • Students that wish to compete in KS5 are entered into the British Informatics Olympiad (BIO), which is a three-hour coding challenge.