Wilson's School


The Enrichment curriculum is designed to address typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge by widening their personal development.

It is coherent, imaginative and well-planned, building systematically on prior experiences to add breadth to the school’s curriculum. Pupils are provided with ‘memorable experiences’ and skills that will be useful after they have left Wilson’s.

The Elizabethan programme in Year 9 specifically aims to increase our students’ knowledge of politics and culture, closing identified gaps and develop their public speaking skills. This means that (combined with the Year 10 enrichment programme) their engagement with History, Geography, DT, Art, Computing and Music continue in KS4, regardless of their GCSE option choices. The Year 9 Elizabethan, Year 10 Enrichment, PSHE and Year 9-11 activities days have been designed to contain a wide range of content from the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 National Curriculum in options subjects (Art & Design, Citizenship, Computing, Design & Technology, Geography, History and Music).

Enrichment: Timetabled Curriculum

Public Speaking (all years)

Year 7:

Introduced as part of the teaching and learning excellence criteria that applies to all lessons

Year 8:

Drama: Public Speaking SLT interviews

Year 9:

Public speaking as part of the Elizabethan. Including: First impressions; small talk; speech delivery

Year 10:

Cookery: Small talk

Public Speaking (enrichment)

English Speaking Assessment

Speak Out Challenge

Year 11: SLT interviews

Work Experience preparation

6th form:

Interview preparation

Global Political Issues (Year 10)
This programme reflects the current context of global politics. Synoptic links are made throughout the delivery of the course to demonstrate how international politics interconnect and the importance which great power struggle has on the course of disputes in global affairs. Topics include: Islamic state; North Korean missile crisis; Russia and the West; Modern China and the emerging democratic movement; USA and China; Africa in the news; The European Union; and State surveillance in the UK. This unit has strong links to both the History and Geography KS3 National Curriculum content. This unit also covers Citizenship KS3 and KS4 National Curriculum content.

ICT (Year 10)
This topic develops pupils’ knowledge of ICT and enables them to make effective use of some of the most commonly used programmes in the Microsoft Office Suite. Topics covered include: Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher and Access. By becoming responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology this unit is delivering Computing KS3 and KS4 National curriculum content.

Cookery & Healthy Eating (Year 8 and 10)
Year 8: This introductory unit focuses on developing pupils’ cookery skills, ensuring they are aware of how diet choices can aid a healthy lifestyle. As the course progresses, students tackle more complex recipes with growing independence.

Year 10: Cookery in Year 10 is part of the enrichment curriculum. Pupils learn how to make a range of meals using healthy ingredients more independently.

Cooking and nutrition is part of the Design & Technology KS3 National Curriculum content.

Drama, Dance and Public Speaking (Year 7, 8 and 10)
See here for more information.

Our Staff

Dr Hemp
Mr Kavanagh
Mrs Kitson
Dr Meddelton

The Elizabethan: Timetabled Curriculum

The Elizabethan is so called after Queen Elizabeth I who awarded Edward Wilson his post as Vicar of Camberwell in 1578. In the Sixth Form it graduates into The Jacobean, named after King James I who granted our first Royal Charter.

The Elizabethan has three strands:

  • Political
  • Cultural
  • Public speaking

Our curriculum prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain; our ambition to ensure that pupils have a rich understanding of politics and wider British culture is demonstrated by the Elizabethan scheme in Year 9 and the Global Politics element of the year 10 enrichment programme. The programmes of study for the political and cultural strands includes Key Stage 3 (and 4 where applicable) National Curriculum content from Art & Design, Citizenship, Geography, History and Music.

The Elizabethan curriculum is consolidated in the wider programme of assemblies and activities for pupils, and teaching demonstrates higher expectations for pupils’ spoken expression.

Reading scheme
The Year 9 Reading Scheme is delivered via the Elizabethan. These texts were planned to complement and enrich the texts taught in KS3 and KS4 English.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Small Island by Andrea Levy
Justice by Michael Sandel
Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder
Sapiens by Yuval Noah
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Our Staff

Miss Amoako-Williams
Dr Clayden
Mr Englefield
Mr T. Fletcher
Mr Coop
Mr Kramer
Mr Walters
Mrs Webber
