Wilson's School

Exam Results

GCSE Results 2023

Headline Statistics

There were 184 students in Year 11.
% Grade 9: 60.7%
% Grade 9-8: 85.1%
% Grade 9-7: 94.9%
Pass rate: 99.9%

Government Performance Information (2023)

Progress 8: 1.33
Attainment 8: 85.6
Strong pass in English and Mathematics (Grade 5 and above): 99.5%
Percentage of the cohort entered for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc): 99.5%
Percentage of pupils achieving 5 or above in the English Baccalaureate (EBacc): 99.5%. All students who were entered for the English Baccalaureate achieved it.
The average points score for EBACC: 8.39
Percentage staying in education after GCSE: 100%

Further information can be found here on the School and College Performance tables.

A Level Results 2023

Headline Statistics

There were 174 students in the Upper Sixth.
% A*: 43.3%
% A*-A: 81.3%
% A*-B: 96.8%
Pass rate: 99.9%
Destination for Former Pupil Premium and SEN Students: 100% Oxbridge, medical school and Russell Group
Oxbridge Places: 27

Government Performance Information (2023)

Progress students made in comparison with students across England: N/A for 2023
Average grade that students achieved in their best three A levels at Wilson’s: A+ (please note that we only offer A level qualifications at Wilson’s)
Student ‘retention’ (the percentage of students who get to the end of their study programme): 100%

Please note that all students enter the Sixth Form with the national requirements for English and Mathematics. The school does not have any students re-sitting GCSE English and or Mathematics in the Sixth Form.

More detail about the school’s 16-19 results can be found by accessing the School and College Performance tables here.

GCSE Results 2022

Headline Statistics

There were 191 students in Year 11
% Grade 9: 60.3%
% Grade 9-8: 85.3%
% Grade 9-7: 95.4%
Pass rate: 99.9%

Government Performance Information (2022)

Progress 8: 1.06
Attainment 8: 85.4
Strong pass in English and Mathematics (Grade 5 and above): 100%
Percentage of the cohort entered for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc): 99.5%
Percentage of pupils achieving 5 or above in the English Baccalaureate (EBacc): 99.5%. All students who were entered for the English Baccalaureate achieved it.
The average points score for EBACC: 8.52
Percentage staying in education after GCSE: 100%

Further information can be found here on the School and College Performance tables.

A Level Results 2022

Headline Statistics

There were 174 students in the Upper Sixth
% A*: 58.4%
% A*-A: 87.5%
% A*-B: 97.9%
Pass rate: 100.0%
Destination for Former Pupil Premium and SEN Students: 100% Oxbridge, medical school and Russell Group
Oxbridge Places: 33, including two choral places

Government Performance Information (2022)

Progress students made in comparison with students across England: N/A in 2022
Average grade that students achieved in their best three A levels at Wilson’s: A+ (please note that we only offer A level qualifications at Wilson’s)
Student ‘retention’ (the percentage of students who get to the end of their study programme): 100%

Please note that all students enter the Sixth Form with the national requirements for English and Mathematics. The school does not have any students re-sitting GCSE English and/or Mathematics in the Sixth Form.

More detail about the school’s 16-19 results can be found by accessing the School and College Performance tables here.

In 2021 (the most current data the government has released) 90% of Year 13 went on to further education, training or employment at the end of their studies. Please note these figures do not include students on planned gap years or those studying abroad and are therefore incomplete. Our own internal tracking suggests that 100% went on to further education, training or employment within 18 months of leaving the school.