Wilson's School

Going for Gold

Sixty Year 12 students from Wilson's arrived in Wales at the end of last month, ready and eager to complete their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) expedition. From the start, the smiles on every face conveyed our determination to overcome the challenging conditions.

Early on in the expedition, many groups had a chance to hike Pen y Fan, stimulating fond memories of our Year 7 Brecon Beacons trip! Despite steep sections and heavy fog, morale remained high as we continued to ascend the mountain. Once we had overcome this challenge, we immersed ourselves in the stunning views, deepening our appreciation for nature.  Starting with Pen y Fan forged a greater sense of resilience and improved camaraderie within teams, reminding us all that DofE creates lasting memories and heightens our appreciation of our natural surroundings.

Waking up to the sunrise boosted morale further within each camp. How wonderful to have such gorgeous views whilst packing up our tents or eating our breakfast. The diverse landscapes seen during our expedition, from towering peaks to serene lakes, provided the perfect backdrop for the development of practical skills, teamwork and leadership.

Although teams, by the final day, were starting to build up layers of blisters, all successfully overcame the physical and mental challenges, gaining valuable insights into their capabilities.

Participants are now one step closer to obtaining their Award, with a trip to Buckingham Palace on the cards for May for those organised enough to complete everything else that they need to do in addition to the expedition (including up to 18 months of Volunteering, Physical activity and Skill sections, as well as a residential experience organised by the participant)!

Overall, the Gold DofE expedition in the Brecon Beacons was a challenging yet fulfilling experience for all participants, improving our leadership and resilience, whilst deepening our appreciation for the natural environment. Our Brecon Beacons expedition met all the objectives of the Gold DofE award, testing the group’s endurance, skills and character, while creating lasting memories and instilling a sense of pride in their collective achievement.

Article by Ashutosh, Y13, Duke of Edinburgh Award Prefect
