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During the first house assembly of this academic year, the outgoing House Captains and their two Deputies took the opportunity to celebrate their Houses’ achievements over the course of the past few months. Alongside the more regular Vertical Tutor Group sessions, House Assemblies enable students from all different year groups in the same house to gather together in one space and reminisce on past successes and plan for future goals.

The tone of each assembly is dictated by the House Captain and his team, including the Staff Heads of House, so I was pleased to see a wide variety of styles as I looked in on all of them. Whether that was interactive elements in Hayes, a trombone solo in Camberwell or a full rock band in Datchelor, every house had something unique to bring to the table.

Chief on the House Captains’ list of things to do during this assembly was to announce the new House Captains and present them with the brand new House Captain prefect badges, which they can wear with pride as they begin their duties later on this term.

Congratulations to Justin, Arham and Poorwa in Brecon; to Ishan, Sammy and Jones in Camberwell; to Zayaan, Zihan and Rohan in Datchelor; to Muhammad, Demilade and Gautham in Greencoat; to Ravindu, Ashwin and Haayed in Hayes, and to Atharva, Sunthosh and Samuel in Southwark! These individuals will be running their own House Assembly in a few short weeks’ time.

Mr Elwood

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