Parental Giving Scheme
Without the Parental Giving Scheme (PGS), Wilson's would not be able to compete as one of the very best schools in the country.
The reality is that despite its continuing success, Wilson's is not – and never has been – a wealthy school.
Whilst out-performing independent schools, Wilson's, as a state school, operates under significant budgetary strictures, running all its services on just over a quarter of the average budget of local fee-paying schools.
The Parental Giving Scheme targets this funding gap, with a suggested contribution of £75 per month per child ensuring we can continue to provide the excellent academic and diverse co-curricular programmes currently on offer at the school.
To see how to participate, please select from the following options according to the year of your son:
Parents of Year 7 - 10
To participate in the Parental Giving Scheme, please:
- Set up a standing order with your bank. Using online banking, select a monthly donation amount made payable to Wilson’s School Trust CIO (Account Number: 63301668, Sort Code: 30-98-36). Please state your son’s name as a reference.
Parents of Year 11 - 13
To participate in the Parental Giving Scheme, please:
- Set up a standing order with your bank. Using online banking, select a monthly donation amount made payable to Wilson’s Grammar School Foundation (Account Number: 81262610, Sort Code: 40-45-17). Please state your son’s name as a reference.
OR complete the standing order form (download here). This must be printed out, completed, and then signed, before it is returned to Wilson’s. This can be done by posting it to the school (Wilson’s School, Mollison Drive, Wallington, SM6 9JW) or asking your son to return it to the Finance office. The standing order form has to be the original otherwise the bank will not accept it.
If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, then please fill out this form and send it to Anita Patel at
The motto of the school, Non Sibi Sed Omnibus (Not For Oneself, But For All), drives all that we do. Please embody this spirit of community with us, by participating in the parental giving scheme to support and protect your child's education.
If you are already contributing, thank you. Your kindness means a lot to us. Please consider increasing your donation to help us meet new challenges posed in these difficult times.
If you would like to boost your monthly contributions to the Parental Giving Scheme, please cancel or adjust your existing standing order/direct debit and start contributing a new, higher amount. Be sure to notify Will Straw, Associate Director of Development, via email when you have made any changes to your donation amount to ensure we can maximise the impact of your generosity, and thank you!