Wilson's School

Policies & Reports

Inspection Reports

The school was visited by Ofsted on 28th and 29th September 2022. The report begins:

Overall effectiveness Outstanding
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Sixth form provision Outstanding

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders and staff deliver an exceptional education here.

Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary and the atmosphere is warm. Professional relationships between pupils and staff are respectful. This creates a harmonious and collaborative community. Teachers are subject experts and work hard to promote pupils’ academic success and their well-being.

Pupils are very proud of the school and almost all stay on to continue their studies in the sixth form. All pupils rise to the challenge of the school’s motto, ‘Not for self, but for all’, and work hard to contribute to the whole school community. Pupils volunteer regularly in the local community. For example, they support primary-age pupils in their learning and they take part in charitable work.

Pupils are safe in the school and know that staff are there to support them should they have any concerns. Staff deal with any reported incidents of bullying swiftly and sensitively.

You can download a copy of the 2022 Ofsted inspection report here.

Previous reports:

The SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) report dated December 2017 is also available here.