Wilson's School

¡Viva el español!

This year in Spanish Club, we have discovered various aspects of the Spanish language and culture through many activities. We began by learning the basics, including numbers and common Spanish greetings. As the year progressed, we learnt about the Mayan civilisation, including their counting system. Students have also participated in games such as Spanish Scrabble, which has helped to improve our vocabulary in a fun way. Additionally, we worked on a Spanish play, Fuenteovjuna by Lope de Vega.

This half term, we sharpened our spelling and pronunciation skills by preparing for a Spanish spelling bee competition and last week, we enjoyed a taste of Spanish cuisine by baking magdalenas, delicious traditional Spanish muffins.

Overall, Spanish Club has been a fantastic opportunity to expand our knowledge, connect with the culture, and have fun together!

Written by Lathik (Year 9)