Wilson's School

Year 12 students select greatest economist of all time

John Maynard Keynes

As part of their Economics course, the new Year 12 economists were thrown straight into the deep end, being posed the question “Who was the greatest economist?”.

Exploring issues such as “what constitutes freedom?” (is it a small state, which doesn’t interfere too much in citizens’ lives or is freedom from fear, poverty, hunger and illness the bedrock from which real choices can only be made?) or “how do we best manage our economy?” (is self-interest and therefore free markets the best way to manage economic interactions or is there an argument for governments to step in during times of crisis?) were some of the questions tackled by the Year 12 students in only their fourth week of economics.

The task was handled adeptly, with 61% of students believing Keynes was the greatest economist, with Adam Smith second with 29%.

With the quality of research and writing shown, the promise shown by the cohort is excellent!